Rules for the Competition
Drawings, text and photographs, sufficient to explain the entry for the competition, should accompany entries. Pictures taken before work commenced and during progress are especially welcome. Digital photographs in high resolution JPEG format (300dpi) may be submitted on CD or memory stick or electronically.
As part of their assessment, the judges will also take photographs which may be used for adjudication, the Awards Ceremony and publicity. These may be published in the technical press and media. Materials submitted with entries remain the property of the organisers, unless entrants specifically request their return. Making an entry implies acceptance that the Judges may safely take photographs subject to the Entrant’s requirements for signing-in.
All entries are normally judged twice, on separate occasions by different judges. Judges will take into account the total environment of an entry, even if the project forms only part of the premises.
Their assessments, reports and photographs are then passed to the Panel of Adjudicators who meet to review the entries and allocate the awards. The short list is made known and the winners are announced at the Awards Presentation Ceremony.
The Adjudicators’ decisions are final and no appeal will be allowed. The organisers will not enter into correspondence or telephone discussions about the decisions.
Entries are made to the Awards Competition as a whole, rather than for any specific award. The Adjudicators and Committee decide eligibility for individual awards.
Adjudicators may decide not to select a winner for any award, if no suitable entry is received.
All winners will receive a National Railway Heritage Awards plaque, hand-made in cast aluminium and painted, finished with an appropriate sponsor’s logo.
It is a condition of entry that competition winners hold a ceremony to unveil the plaque to which the Award Sponsor and members of the Committee and are invited.
Submission of Entries
There is no entry fee. All entry forms must be completed online . Electronically upload supporting materials and photographs wherever possible. Photographs prior to the commencement of work are particularly welcomed. If you have any material that cannot be uploaded, please send to the Chairman of Judges, Clive Baker at 8 Short Drove, Downham Market, Norfolk, PE38 9PT
If you have any queries regarding the entry, technical aspects regarding the submission or require help completing the electronic form please contact Clive Baker by e-mail at clive.baker@nrha.org.uk
Our Public Relations Officer will circulate information on the winners to national and local media. All winners are required to hold a local event to mark their award, involving the sponsor of the award and to gain publicity in the local media and the railway press. Please send invitations to any such event to the Publicity Manager, Peter Waller at the address below. He will be pleased to co-ordinate responses both on behalf of the NRHA Committee and the Sponsors.
25 Monkmoor Road, Shrewsbury
email: peter.waller@nrha.org.uk